Our mental health day off seen around the globe

Many of us experienced and continue to face challenges due to the upheaval caused by the global pandemic. Shifting to work-from-home environments blurred lines between work and home. Elevated stress levels from work-life imbalances were heightened while also learning how to facilitate virtual school for children at home. For many of us, our emotional and mental wellbeing has been significantly impacted as we’ve felt anxious and isolated, among other challenging emotions.
Last year, recognizing the additional pressure and strain on employees, Thomson Reuters gave all employees a mental health day off - to unplug and focus on wellbeing, mental and emotional health.
This year, to mark Mental Health Awareness month, Thomson Reuters signed the Mindful Business Charter and announced two mental health days off for 2021, with the first mental health day off on May 7th .
Mental health and mindful practices can look different to everyone – here's how some of our teammates around the globe spent their day off!
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George Petchol, Technical Product Manager – Toronto, Ontario, Canada
“Today, Thomson Reuters has given its employees the first of two mental health days this year. I used it to take a three-hour bike ride and to visit the site of our new company HQ in downtown Toronto. I’m grateful to be part of an organization committed to the well-being of its most important assets, its people.”
Erin Lindquist, Portfolio Manager – Rosemount, Minnesota, United States
“For me, though, the ultimate way to clear my head is a long motorcycle ride - it's a beautiful and freeing way to escape from reality. This mental health day, I took a solo motorcycle trip from Minnesota to Illinois, complete with my first ever time staying overnight in a hotel ALL BY MYSELF! It was glorious - just listening to sound of the Harley and the road and taking in so many sights - it's such a fun way to explore. I told Siri to "avoid highways", and I got to experience some really gorgeous curvy rural roads across Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois - roads that the average traveler just trying to get from point A to point B would never encounter - and they're missing out! Taking the day off for a motorcycle ride is a tradition I started for my birthday a few years ago, and it is so great to have two more "free" days this year to be able to take additional trips!!”

Eduardo Duin, Software Development Manager – Barbacena, Minas Gerais, Brazil
#MentalHealthDay provided by @thomsonreuters @thomsonreutersbr to take care of ourselves and our mental health. My day today: Dedicated to that 210km responsive pedal! 🏼Times are not easy: we need to take care of ourselves and the ones we love! Take time to dedicate yourself, to do what you love and keep you alive! Thank you to my brother for the company and support at the beginning of today's journey. Thank you very much Lord for this day!
Clarimond Patrizia, Talent Acquisition Partner – Manila, Philippines
“Super chill Friday morning! No need to work today because all employees of Thomson Reuters, globally, are taking Mental Health Day off. Really happy working for a company that goes above and beyond to take care of its employees' well-being.
Anyway, back to the photos! Hahaha! Just spent my morning wiping the leaves of these babies!”

Heather Guggemos, Manager SIAM Service Management – St. Paul - Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
“As part of its ongoing commitment to its employee’s wellbeing, Thomson Reuters gave its employees the first of two mental health days this year last Friday. I used the day to add a new member to my family. Welcome home, Grace. #workingattr #wellbeingmatters”
Catherine Roberts, Strategic Global Client Director - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
“Today is a Thomson Reuters company-wide holiday to support employee mental health and wellbeing. I spent the day re-charging by the sea here in Sydney. Super proud of TR for the continued focus on employee wellbeing.”

Mike Bettley, Global Sourcing Lead – Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
“Thomson Reuters are committed to supporting employee's mental health and so they gave us Friday off last week as the first of 2 mental health days.
I used the day to get outside and carve some spoons whilst listening to the birds in the trees!”
Elena Hesse, Vice President/GM myPay Solutions/SMB Lead – Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
“So happy to see faces of people I work with I have not seen in over a year. Habitat for Humanity happened to have an opportunity to participate in satisfying physical work helping our local community. Stacey Maynard and Stephanie Oliver and Nancy Belknap”
Our Mental Health Day is very appreciated!

Claire Mostert, Client Success Manager- Oxford Airport, England, United Kingdom
“Enjoying a game of golf on this #thomsonreuters employee mental health day. Feeling fortunate to be part of this organisation.”
Allison J. Bale, Executive Customer Learning Consultant (Carswell ) - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
“Thomson Reuters has pledged to place an increased long-term focus on mental health and as part of that pledge, has instituted two annual company holidays on or around World Mental Health Day which takes place in October and Resilience Week in May.
I feel very lucky to work for a company who takes our health seriously and understands our needs as employees and as people.
I spent my #MentalHealthDay enjoying the beautiful weather with my sweetie and buying some lovely flowers for my garden. 🌞🌷🌞
Stay safe and remember to take care of matter.”