Add a Comparison Toolkit Module

Adding a CTK Module
To add a new CTK module, navigate to
Content Hub
Add Module
and select
Add Module
First, you need to give the module a title by editing the name (clicking the pencil). Once you have added a name, click the tick to save it:
Next you will see the following fields within the
These settings are the general module report settings and can be amended.
  • Status -
    Active (This means it is available to be viewed) or Archive (this means it is not available to be viewed)
  • Permissions
    - You can restrict content to a specific group or organisation or you can make it public, which means it is available to anyone. The reason why this might be restricted is, for example, a client that might be giving insights into employment law and they might want to only give this to customers who have paid for a premium service
  • Structure
    - this field can be either Structured or Unstructured
    • A structured CTK allows you to have a number of questions and answers added per country, so the same questions and answers can be compared across multiple countries information
    • An unstructured CTK means is no question to have answers for. There is just a text editor field for each jurisdiction. There is not a comparison report for this type of CTK, however you can view each country and the block of text within it
Please note that if this option is not available then please contact support to enable this setting in the background
  • Enable Metadata Permissions
    - This field can be used to permission users or groups to only see certain content associated with a specific metadata node. This can enable you to have some content visible for the public. For example, other content you would have to log in to access this information based on the metadata node (usually jurisdiction).
  • Permalink
    - you can click the pencil to edit the URL but please note that if you change the name of the module, it does change this link too
  • Description
    - The description tends to be tailored to a specific audience, e.g. for a permissioned area. This can be included in the invitation email
Content settings
These settings can be enabled, but you can specify each at a more granular level.
  • Allow alerts
    - This will stop emails being sent out for this specific module
  • Pre-select in new user email preferences
    - If you have allowed alerts for new joiners, you can ensure it is included in the email by default
  • Disclaimer
    - This will add some text to the bottom of the pivot node (which is typically jurisdiction /countries)
General report settings
These settings define the general report settings when you select the report
  • Comparison Options
    - These check boxes for the comparison element of the toolkit below are:
    • Show question groups
    • Show parent questions
    • Show sub-questions
These three different degrees of questions enable you to categorise your questions by three different levels with the Groups being the highest level and the sub-questions being the lowest level.
  • Check all questions by default
    - When a user is running a comparison report, all of the questions can be selected as default and then the user can unselect questions if they don"t want to include them in their comparison. If this is not selected, the user will need to select all questions they want to view instead
  • Report display options -
    This shows additional information when the report is run
    • Show author
      - This allows you to add an author of the content.
    • Show state
      - This allows you to show the state on the map panel (the metadata node).
Please note that you will need to carry out the following extra steps to ensure that a colour is added:
  1. Add the state colours into the report states section
  2. When adding a comparison toolkit map, enable 'the use report state colours'
  3. Within the Report Details of the country, enable 'State' and choose the state that you want to display the colour for (this allows for the ability to group the colours or have one for each country).
    • Show published date
      - You can include the date that the content of the answers were published within the report
    • Show question groups
      - You can define the question into various groups to make the content easier to digest E.g. topics within the questions for that country. Here you can define if you want to show them or groups in the report or not
  • Export
    - Allow the report to be downloaded or printed to pdf
Single report settings
These settings can define the singular country report settings when you select this report option. This will be set up at content level once we start adding the details in.
  • Single report display options
    • Show hero
      - This enables the ability to include a hero image when the specific country is shown. This is a similar look to the Publication hero image
    • Show header
      - This enables you to include a header specific to the pivot node (typically jurisdiction)
    • Show footer
      - This enables you to include a footer specific to the pivot node (typically jurisdiction)
    • Exclude cross-report glossary from download/print
      - It is possible to have a glossary for the pivot node metadata (typically jurisdiction) all countries and you can define the meaning of terms via a pop-up link. This allows these items to be included within the print or download
  • Contents - You can decide if you want to include a table of contents list (Heading 1s and Heading 2 included). They can be shown as collapsed or expanded
  • Legend - You can associate legends with specific answers with an image and description. An example of a legend that might be used is a risk rating. These can be expanded or collapsed.
  • Notes - Administrators adding the content can add some notes to the pivot node (typically jurisdiction). They can be disabled expanded, collapsed or a pop-up
Please note that in order to apply these settings, you will need to do so via the Report Details for each metadata that you are providing answers for
Comparison report settings
These settings can define the country comparison report settings when you select this report option. (This is only applicable for a structured CTK)
  • Comparison report display options
    • Show legend
      - You can decide to show the legend or not
    • Show metadata image
      - This enables you to show the legend image that has been applied. You can associate images with the metadata e.g. flags to the countries when you hover over the map it will be displayed
    • Exclude cross-report glossary from download/print
      - You can have a glossary for all countries and here you can define if this should be included in the print or download
  • Header Information
    - You can prefix this in the report when reports are run. E.g. disclaimers
  • Footer Information
    - Same as a footer - just below the report
  • Question guide text
    - The default text will be displayed if you don't add anything here which is: "select one or more questions below:" This field enables you to change this text
  • Metadata guide text
    - The default text will be displayed if you don't add anything here which is: "select one or more countries below:" This field enables you to change this text
Report states
Report states can be used for the map, but can only be used if the pivot node of the comparison report is set to Jurisdictions or Countries.
Here, you can select your metadata labels and you can also associate a particular colour on the map with it. You can choose to group these countries with a metadata node such as a risk rating of the country by country basis. E.g. UK is orange and Japan is green, or you can have a single country having a different colour.
Please note that you will need to carry out the following extra steps to ensure that a colour is added:
  1. Add the state colours into the report states sections
  2. When adding a comparison toolkit map, enable 'the use report state colours'
  3. Within the Report Details of the country, enable 'State' and choose the state that you want to display the colour for (this allows for the ability to group the colours or have one for each country).
  • Pivot Node
    - Here is the pivot node in which the comparison toolkit will be based on. Typically this is Jurisdiction or Country. For example, comparing employment law based on the different countries. Please note that we have a map panel which can be utilised if the country is the metadata node but this will not show any data if this isn"t the pivot node
  • Include new metadata labels by default
    - This means if any extra labels are added into the metadata they will automatically be included
  • Select labels
    - This is where you can choose the different metadata that should be included in this report. For example, if the comparison is only for Europe and Americas then you can unselect the rest here and the people add content will not be able to add anything for the rest of the countries
If you have selected metadata permissioning, you will need to set up the permission for each metadata node. For Example, this could be used for teaser content where logged in users have to log in for more country-specific information.
Here, similar to Publications and Events, you can permission who will have access to the module and can add different organisations or groups.
You can associate contacts with one or more metadata within the Comparison Toolkit (from the Pivot Node).
Please note that contacts can be listed out without associating them (e.g. all contacts are applicable for the whole Comparison Toolkit). Contacts can also be added from external organisations.
In this section, you are completing the Contacts Page (if you want to display it by answering yes to "Include custom text"), so you can include some custom text to appear ahead of the contacts. You can also add the title and then custom text via a CK Editor.
This is a sub-navigation that is only applicable for the Comparison Toolkit, as you can have the contacts as a separate page and also the Comparison builder. You can add some extra pages or channels to be associated here. There are some standard ones that are displayed however you can hide these if you don"t want them to show:
Please note that Dashboard, Comparison builder and Contacts cannot sit within a container however, other items can
Additionally, please note that as of our June 2023 release, we have improved the layout of the comparison builder, to ensure that when three or fewer countries are selected, the width is automatically adjusted to ensure all information is shown without the need to scroll from left to right:
If there are more than three, you still need to scroll to see this information.

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