Create content modules

To create individual content items you need to create a module.There are five types of modules:
  • Comparison toolkit (CTK)
  • Events
  • Microsite
  • Publications
  • Video
To create a module, navigate to your
My profile
Content Hub
screen opens:
You can edit existing modules by clicking
More actions
And then select
Edit details
to edit the details or
Edit metadata
to edit the metadata etc.
To add a new module, select
Add module
A drop-down list opens, select

Events module

The events module looks like this:
Each of these modules has a creation wizard, and the common module types (publications, events and videos) have the following tabs:
  • Details
    - high-level configuration elements such as title, permalink, content settings and if it's public, SEO settings
You can change the
Editorial environment
. An
environment allows all editors to view and edit other editors' content. A
environment only allows editors to view and edit their own content.
  • Metadata
    - set relevant system or custom metadata and manage tagging options for content.
  • Permission
    - manage which organisations and groups have access to the module
  • Content elements
    - the building blocks of the module content creation process.
The form builder allows admins to set required fields for editors when creating content.

Comparison toolkit module

The comparison toolkit module is displayed below:
The comparison toolkit module uses the below tabs:
  • Details
    - high-level configuration elements such as title, permalink, content settings and if it's public, SEO settings
  • Metadata
    - set relevant system or custom metadata and manage tagging options for content.
  • Permission
    - manage which organisations and groups have access to the module
  • Contacts
    - enables the user to add a list of contacts for this module. These users can be associated with a jurisdiction, so it is easier for users to identify key contacts.
  • Navigation
    - provides a list of extra navigation options available through the toolkit, and tools to add custom navigation
  • Edit dashboard
    - this tab provides access to the dashboard builder
Please note that as of our June 2023 release, we have improved the layout of the comparison builder, to ensure that when three or fewer countries are selected, the width is automatically adjusted to ensure all information is shown without the need to scroll from left to right:
If there are more than three, you still need to scroll to see this information.

Publication module

The Publication module includes a mechanism to prompt users to select the
Include in email notification
To turn on this prompt, navigate to your profile drop-down menu>
Content hub
Content hub
opens. In the
Content hub
navigate to
screen opens:
In this screen, either create a new Publication via
Add modules
or edit an existing Publication via
More actions
Edit details
. The
screen opens. Within the
screen, navigate to
Content settings
Select the
Allow 'Include in email notification' prompt
check box and then select
. Your changes will now be saved and the prompt opens.

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