Create comparison toolkit content

Adding questions

Once you have created your
Comparison Toolkit Module
you are ready to create some associated content. To get started, navigate to the
Content hub
Content manager
Comparison toolkits
Search for the toolkit that you have just created and click
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Edit questions
tab is displayed in the toolkit.

Question group

You can group questions into different sections or groups. Click the plus sign:
To add a few question groups. The question group names can be changed by clicking the current name, displaying a new text box, enabling you to enter the new name:
Click the tick to save the new name of your questions.

Parent questions

To add questions within a group, select
Add parent question
. The
Add parent question
screen opens:
Enter your question details, the status of the questions and whether you want to display a legend, notes, or responses.
To add an answer to the parent question, select the
Click the
tab to display the language options you selected. Enter the translations for your questions, and select
You can edit your question name and translations, or you can archive or delete your questions via the
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Adding answers
Once you have saved your questions, navigate to the
Select the report country or countries, then select the language to edit the response. A list of questions will be displayed. Select the checkboxes of questions that have answers to add or edit.
These answers can then be edited in the same way you edit publication content.

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