Print payroll check stubs

You can use the
Print Payroll Check Stubs
screen to print a check stub for a payroll check that was previously printed or saved as handwritten. This provides an easy way to print a payroll check stub for an employee who is applying for a loan, responding to a government agency request, or replacing a check stub that was lost or damaged.
  1. note
    • The application prints the check stub using the Payroll Layout that's currently assigned to the bank account or the impound bank account that's associated with the payroll check.
    • The payroll check stub will print with a VOID watermark across the check region that can't be removed or changed.
    • The MICR line and signatures won't print on the check region of the payroll check stub.
    • If
      Print Payroll Check Stubs
      isn't available when you select
      , you may not have the necessary permission. To check your permissions, go to
      Firm Information
      , then
      Security groups
      . If you need to add the permission, go to the
      tab of the
      Security Groups
      screen, then select
      Enter Transactions
      , then
      Payroll Checks.
    • You can't print a check that has been voided, deleted, or reversed.
  2. Select
    , then
    Enter Transactions
  3. Select
    , then
    Print Payroll Check Stubs
  4. Use the filtering fields to filter the list of payroll checks to display in the grid.
  5. From the
    dropdown list, choose either
    Latest check date
    (the default option) or
  6. If you chose
    , choose the date from the calendar.
  7. Mark the checkbox next to the payroll checks you want to print a check stub for, then select
    Print Selected
    You can right-click and choose
    Select All
    Deselect All
    to make multiple selections.
Internal use only
In Accounting CS, this feature is available for both live and after-the-fact payroll clients.
For Accounting CS Client Access, this feature is available for the following:
  • Check Writing and Payroll: Not available for clients that are limited to Setup or Time Entry only.
  • Full Service Bundle (Includes Check Writing and Payroll): Not available for clients that are limited to Setup or Time Entry only.

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