Edit a journal entry

Use the Journal Entries tab to edit a journal entry.
You'll need a user account that has been granted permission to
Modify Journal Entries
  1. In Engagement Manager, open the engagement in which you want to edit a journal entry.
  2. Select the
    Journal Entries
  3. Select the journal entry that you want to edit.
    If the Journal Entry fields don’t appear when you select a journal entry, use the window controls to show them.
    Journal Entries tab
    Four window control buttons in a horizontal row on the Journal Entries tab.
  4. Make your changes to the journal entry fields.
  5. To change the Account or Description in a row, go to the Account cell and enter the new account.
    If you don't know the account number, double-click the Account cell, then use
    to choose a different Account and Description. Clear the filters in the Assign Account window to show all available Accounts. 
  6. To change the Credit and Debit amounts, select the cell, then enter the new amount.
  7. To add or delete a row in the journal entry grid, right click on a row and select
    Add Row
    Delete Row
  8. Select

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