Add a security group

If you have administrative privileges, you can create groups to help manage user permissions.
GoFileRoom automatically includes default groups to get started:
  • Homepage Users
    : access the GoFileRoom Home screen, set up notifications, open My Work assignments, visit frequently used web pages, and open recent documents.
  • Administrators
    : access the System Administration screen to perform various administrative tasks in GoFileRoom. The Administration link is available in the GoFileRoom toolbar.
    Do not rename this group.
  • Records Management
    : set up firm-wide policies for archiving and purging documents in accordance with your firm’s retention policies. They will also have access to the Administration screen, but administrative privileges will be limited to managing RecordsFlow only.
  • Scan Operators
    : access the Scan Reconciliation report and the Print All feature for printing barcode cover pages. They can open the filing history of all other GoFileRoom users, but won't have access to GoFileRoom administrative features.
  1. Use these steps to add a new group
  2. In GoFileRoom, select
    and choose
    Manage Users & Groups
  3. Open the
  4. Choose
    New Group
    in the
    Select Group
  5. Add a
    Group Name
    for the group.
    We recommend a consistent naming convention for groups, like
    (Group Type)-(Drawer Name) [(Drawer Permissions)]
    . For example, "D-CLIENTS [RAE]" is for read, add, and edit documents in the Clients drawer.
    If a user belongs to multiple groups, GoFileRoom uses the most restrictive permissions.
  6. Add a description of the group's purpose in the
  7. To assign a group to a specific upload location, choose the location from the
    Upload Location
  8. To give this group permission to pen management reports, mark the
    Allow access to reports
    checkbox, select
    to choose access permission for specific reports.
  9. Optional: mark
    Full Document Tracking Access
    to let group members open the Document Tracking report for files that belong to other staff. Otherwise they will only be able to open the report for their own files. 
  10. Optional: mark the
    FirmFlow Email Notification
    checkbox to allow notifications to be sent automatically to the group when specified events occur.
  11. Use the
    list to choose who to add to the new group, then use the right-arrow to add them.
  12. Select
    when you're done.

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