
If you have administrative privileges, you can create groups to help manage user permissions.
For example, if all members of a department in your firm require the same GoFileRoom access permissions, you could assign all members to the same group and manage security settings at the group level.
You can use groups in GoFileRoom to manage the following, and more.
  • Drawer access permissions (Clients, HR, AP, and so on) and documents.
  • FirmFlow permissions (edit FirmFlow Folder header, custom fields, and so on).
  • Routing pools (preparers, reviewers, and so on).
  • System accounts.
  • Permissions that you set at the user level will override any related permissions that you set at the group level.
  • User-level permissions are more restrictive than related group-level permissions.
  • At this time, you don't have the option of deleting or disabling a group. If you're retiring a group, it should be renamed to a label that would suggest future use (for example,

Default system groups

GoFileRoom automatically sets up the following default groups during the implementation process.
Homepage Users:
Members of this group can access the GoFileRoom Home screen, in which users can set up to view notifications for specific GoFileRoom events, view My Work assignments, visit frequently accessed web pages, and access documents that they have previously viewed. The Home link is available in the GoFileRoom toolbar for members of this group.
Members of this group can access the System Administration screen to perform various administrative tasks in GoFileRoom. The Administration link is available in the GoFileRoom toolbar.
Do not rename this group.
Records Management:
Members of this group can set up firm-wide policies for archiving and purging documents in accordance with your firm's retention policies. They will also have access to the Administration screen, but administrative privileges will be limited to managing RecordsFlow only.
Scan Operators:
Members of this group can access the Scan Reconciliation report and the Print All feature for printing barcode cover pages. They can view the filing history of all other GoFileRoom users, but will not have access to GoFileRoom administrative features.
You can add members to this group to help you track trained resources related to the scanning process.

Group naming conventions

You should establish group naming conventions to ensure the smooth setup and administration of your firm's GoFileRoom permissions settings. We recommend the following naming convention:
Enclosing drawer permissions with brackets will help you distinguish them from FirmFlow permissions, which differ in functionality.
For example, take the group D-CLIENTS [RAE]:
  • D indicates that the permissions for this group will be for a drawer.
  • CLIENTS is the specific drawer for which permissions will be set.
  • [RAE] indicates that the group had Read, Add, and Edit permissions.
Here are some more examples:
  • D-CLIENTS [RAED] = Read, add, edit, delete documents in the Clients drawer
  • D-CLIENTS [RAEDL] = Read, add, edit, delete, LookUpList Rights in the Clients drawer
  • D-HR [R] = Read documents in the HR drawer
  • D-HR [RAED] = Read, add, edit, delete documents in the HR drawer.

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