Process Form W-2

IRS regulations made on 23 February 2023 reduce the threshold for filing certain information returns electronically. For more information, refer to the related content link.

Before you begin

Run the following reports to verify employee information before you process W-2 forms.
  • Employee List - Detailed
    : To verify that employee personal information is up to date, mark the
    Personal Information
    checkbox in the Regions to Include section.
  • Payroll Tax Summary - Detailed
    : To verify taxable wage and tax withholding information, select
    Current year
    Prior year
    as the period to process in the Date section.
  • Employee Earnings
    : To find missing, duplicated, or invalid W-2 information, mark the
    Missing/Invalid W-2 information
    checkbox in the Regions to Include section.
  • W-2 Verification
    : Use this report to verify W-2 information by box number for all or selected employees.

Process W-2 forms

Follow these steps to process W-2 forms.
  1. Select
    , then
    Process Payroll Tax Forms
  2. Select
    from the
    Form type
    dropdown and the form year.
  3. Select
  4. Mark the checkboxes for the employees you want to process W-2 forms for.
    You can right-click to select or deselect all employees in the list.
  5. Select
    Process Client Forms
  6. Select the number of copies, filing methods, and print options for the forms.
  7. Select
    Process Selected

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