Add a note to a document

You can add notes to documents and share them with your contacts in Westlaw
To add a note to a document:
  1. Select Annotations
    , then Add a note
    Add Note
  2. Enter your note text and select
The note will display at the beginning of the document.
To delete a note from a document:
  1. Select Display all notes to display all notes added to the document.
  2. Select Edit note next to the note, then
  3. Select
    to delete the note, or
    to keep it.

Add a note to a specific section of a document

  1. Select a section of text within the document.
  2. Select a colour in the
    Add a Note
  3. Enter your note text and select
The section of text will display highlighted in the colour you selected with Note in the same colour next to it.
To delete a note added to a specific section:
  1. SelectNote for the note you want to delete.
  2. Select the note text.
  3. Select Delete
  4. Select
    to delete the note, or
    to keep it.

Share a note

To share a note with one or more of your contacts:
  1. When you add the note, select
    Share with contacts
  2. Select the people you want to share the note with,then
    . Select Close to close the window.
  3. Select
The contacts you shared your note with will see it when they access the document in Westlaw with their OnePass username and password.
You can stop sharing a note at any time. To do so:
  1. Select the note.
  2. Select
    previously shared
  3. To stop sharing the note with all contacts, select Delete
    Delete All
    . To stop sharing with a specific person, select Delete next to their name.
  4. Select

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