
Follow these steps to modify a saved transaction.
  1. Select
    , then
    Enter Transactions
  2. Make sure the right client is selected.
  3. Select the transaction to modify in the transactions list.
  4. Modify the transaction detail.
  5. Select
    to save the updated transaction record.
    • You can't modify the voided check records, but you can delete them.
    • You can't modify reversed or reversal transactions.
    • If a transaction has distributions that use a General Ledger account that is assigned to a bank account, and the associated bank account transaction is cleared through bank account reconciliation, you can modify:
      • Bank account,
      • Journal,
      • Posting period for that transaction,
      • Account,
      • Description,
      • Amount for the non-bank account related distributions.
    • The original transaction shares data in the Journal, Posting period, Reference, Date, and Description fields with the associated bank account transaction.
    • Because the application syncs the shared data for these fields, you can't modify the associated bank account transaction if it has been cleared, and you can't modify any of these fields for the original transaction.

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