Assign tax codes to an account in a trial balance

You can assign tax codes, M-3 codes, and property codes to accounts in a trial balance.
  1. Select the
    Trial Balance
    tab in the engagement.
  2. Double-click the cell in the
    Tax Code
    M-3 Tax Code
    column for the account you want to assign a code to.
    You can customize the trial balance view to add or remove columns.
  3. Select the Tax Code or M-3 Tax Code from the dropdown.
    Choose code 88888 to show the account on the Tax Code report. Code 99999 hides the account on the Tax Code report. Accounts coded with either code won't transfer to the various tax applications.
  4. Optional: If the client you're working on has multiple-unit entities, use the
    Property Code
    column to assign tax-coded accounts to specific input units in the tax return. Enter the unit number in the field that corresponds to the unit number in the tax application input.

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