Use account groupings

Use account groupings in Engagement Manager to help you organize trial balance activity.
  • You can create account groupings at the firm level or at the engagement level, depending on your assigned security roles. You create up to 15 account groupings.
  • You can also add and customize new grouping schedules to meet your business needs.
  • The Account Classification grouping is ideal for financial statement preparation, but it's primarily used to determine the account type for accounts in your trial balance.
  • You can't delete the Account Classification account grouping.
  • As you enable account groupings for your client, make sure that you customize the trial balance view so that the appropriate columns are visible.
When you import data from a spreadsheet or convert certain data, you manually assign the Account Classification in the trial balance to bring in the associated account type, user-defined groups, and/or tax codes. However, the process doesn’t work in reverse. In other words, when you assign a user-defined account group, the application won’t bring in the Account Classification or the account type.

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